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Búsqueda socio/inversor: Proyecto sobre viviendas ecologicas
I am Douglas from Nicaragua. I'm 27 years old.I am an architect and I just finished the university.
I don’t have work experience. Currently, I am unemployed,and I want to start a new organisation about social houses built with earthbag or another constructive techniques and use dry toilets, solar panels,ecologic kitchen, cistern.
What is the goal about it?
In Nicaragua many people lives at spontaneous settlement and they need a worthy house. Also, I think is necessary promote natural construction, especially to help to reduce climate change. Also, in my country doesn't exists an enterprise who works in the sector of natural construction.
Why about natural construction?
Natural building has emerged as a response to an increasing concern for our built environment. Natural materials are an alternative to toxic substances which have led to widespread environmental illness. Those seeking to simplify their lives can build their own homes using such techniques, with community help and local, inexpensive materials. Those who recognize the environmental, social and economic costs of our current ways of construction believe that natural building provides part of the solution to the complex worldwide problem of sustainable living.
What are natural building techniques?
Adobe, Bamboo, Cob, compressed earth blocks, cordwood, earthbags, earthen floors, earthship, Hybrid structures, Straw- clay, Hemp and others fibers, living roofs, natural plasters and finishes, paper blocks/ fibrous cement, rammed earth, recycled building materials, Straw Bale construction,thatch,wattle and Daub,wood.
If you want to be my partner, I think we can create a website or blog about the project,to investigate, publishing information, edit and publish videos on internet about spontaneous settlement in Nicaragua, to help to get economical support, etc . It can be in several languages. We can request funding to others organizations to start to build first earthbag house. We can work online, if you cannot come to Nicaragua. If you have more ideas, please tell me.
If you want to contribuite, you will be welcome as well.
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